Catholic Nuns Are Feminists Too

Evrybody is excited because Pope Francis told Priests they could forgive women who have had abortions. How magnaimous of the Pope. It is hard not to like the gentleman in the pointy cap, particularly when compared to past Popes, this recent instruction is a reminder that women around the world still lack fundamental rights and freedoms. Women are sytematically and routinely denied reproductive rights and freedoms. They are unable to choose if and when they get pregnant, and are subjected to female genital mutilation, child bride marriages, and forced sex as minors. 

In response to the Pope, the American Association of Nuns penned a response, which in a very polite way essentially told the Pope to mind his own business. The gist of their response? Nobody, including the Catholic Church, gets to dictate what a woman chooses to do with her body. In other words, butt out, and take your forgiveness with you.