Its all over but the crying. The greatest nation in the world (does anybody still believe that moniker) elected a racist, sexist asshat with absolutely no political experience and no credible business experience. I. Can't. Even. Many great articles have been written about the US election and the unfathomable outcome. Garrison Keillor wrote a fantastic article in the Washington Post about how we live with this calousally bad decision. Gloria Steinem is undaunted by the results and argues for eschewing mourning in favour of organizing. She is, after all, a veteran of fighting for gender equality. By the way, my cat Gloria Steinem is in favour of chewing and getting kitty spit all over magazine articles about Trump.
This is what I thought when I woke up to the election results: now you mofos have gone and done it. F*ck. Really. I can't be more intelligent or polite than that and believe me, I have tried. Initially, there was some cautious optimism as Trump began unraveling all his bile and hate spewed during the campaign. Then he appointed a right-wing extremist as his Chief Strategist. Fear not, as Alexandra Petri writes, it's not like he's literally Joseph Goebbels. I know I feel better. I have taken a little break from social media because the f*ckery was just too much. I know Trump was elected fairly, as fairly as the American electoral process of hanging chads and identification demands for already underrepresented demographics can be, but I am not mature enough to accept the results without alternating between sulking and throwing my toys out of the pram. I just need to complain about it for another week or at least until this stinker of a year is over (really? Bowie and Cohen???). I still have a few rants left before I can move on to new injustices.